National Post Graduate Conference on Research In Education 2019

The Department of Education aims to serve as a platform for young researchers. It aspires to promote research culture by providing opportunities to its participants for presenting their research work in conferences, seminars and symposiums.

The department has organized a one day National Conference entitled National Postgraduate Conference in Education NPRCE 2019 on 30th November 2019. The themes of the conference revolve around general education, special education and Non Formal Basic Education. It attracted a large number of postgraduate students from Department of Education, UMT as well as from other public and private universities including University of the Punjab, University of Education, NUML and University of Lahore. 


The inauguration of the conference was graced by Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Rector University of Management and Technology and Mr. Abid Sherwani, Managing Director, University of Management and Technology, Lahore. The conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Akhtar, Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities. The Key note speakers were Dr. Shahid Siddiqui Dean of Social Sciences at National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad and Dr. Muhammad Memon, Chairman Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Hyderabad and National Accreditation Council of Pakistan. 

The Panel discussion was organized to create awareness about basic literacy and non-formal education entitled on Dimensions of Non Formal Basic Education: Challenges and Opportunities. It was steered by Dr. Fauzia Naheed Khawaja, Professor at Department of Education, UMT. The Panelist included: 

  1. Ms. Shaheen Atiqul Rehman ( Founder, Bunyad Foundation)
  2. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui ( Dean, Faculty of Social Science, NUML, Islamabad)
  3. Dr. Muhammad Memon ( Chairman, National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education)
  4. Dr. Nasir Mehmood ( Dean, Department of Early Childhood Education, AIOU, Islamabad)
  5. Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Chaudhary ( Professor, Department of Education, UMT) 
  6. Dr. Rafaqat Ali Akbar ( Director IER, Punjab University, Lahore) Dr. Ayaz Muhammad Khan ( Director, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore) 


The recommendations of the panel discussion include: 

  1. Ethnographic research studies
  2. Community mobility
  3. Sensitization of Basic Literacy and Non Formal Basic education
  4. Distance learning and Non Formal Basic Education
  5. Equivalence to transfer from non-formal to formal and vice versa
  6. Lifelong learning and vocational training in Non-Formal Basis Education 

The conference was concluded by presenting policy recommendations based on research papers, presented in parallel sessions. These recommendations are as follows: 

  1. Research should focus on real life problems and ground realities of education system of the country
  2. The ethics in research should be taught at every stage and its importance should be inculcated among students
  3. The policy makers must include voices of faculty from teacher training institutes
  4. Intra-and inter university collaborations can improve quality of teaching learning process
  5. The faculty of higher education institutions must be provided training at least annually
  6. The focus of education system must be on future transformations and pre-requisites skills
  7. Focus must be centered on lifelong skills 

The closing ceremony was chaired by Prof. Dr. Rauf e Azam, Pro Rector University of Lahore. The event was concluded by distribution of shields as token of thanks to all team of students and teachers from department of education, University of Management and technology who helped to make this event successful.

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