It is said that “If you haven’t seen Lahore, you haven’t even been born”. The ancient city of gardens is still regal in its charms. The second largest metropolitan city of Pakistan is a beautiful example of a culture spanning 4000 years. The ancient fortified city has its grandeurs enclosed in its 13 gates and beyond. Lahore is alluded to as the social heart of Pakistan as it proudly hosts most of the arts, cooking, fiestas, music, film-production, gardening and intellectuals of the nation. Lahoris pride themselves as being the fondest of food and the city justly nurtures this passion in several of its ancient localities like Food Street and Lakshmi Chowk.

The city has a lot to offer, being crowned as the second best tourist spot in Pakistan. City of gardens has always kept its distinctive individuality and still holds numerous of, centuries old gardens. A visit to the past in a regal subcontinent is what Lahore has to offer to its explorers. Be it the Imperial Masjid, The Royal Fort, Shalimar Gardens, mausoleums of Mughal emperors all there is that should be in a preserved cultural city.