Conference Theme and Workshops

The theme of the conference 

Educational Leadership for Sustainable Development

According to UN Decade of Sustainable Development’ UNESCO Nairobi Cluster, 2006, ESD can be embedded into curriculum, teaching pedagogy and assessment, promoting student centered participatory learning to develop critical thinking skills.  The General Assembly has presented 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: transforming our world, with 17 goals and 169 targets. These targets can be achieved through education. The role of educational leaders is very important in transforming education at all levels to achieve long term sustainable development. The conference will provide opportunity to Pakistani professional, academicians, leaders, and scholars to present insight, trends, concerns, challenges, and solutions in the field of education for sustainable development. It will also provide platform to exchange ideas, share experience and generate dialogue on challenges and solutions for achieving sustainable development goals through education. This will lead towards promotion of empirical and theoretical research in the aforementioned field in Pakistan.

Keeping in view, the important role of education and educational leaders in achieving targets of Agenda of SDGs 2030, the Higher Education Commission had issued a directive for all the educational institutions to incorporate SDGs in their teaching learning process. Thus, the conference aims to provide a forum to explore, identify and develop strategies for educational leadership to work on achievement of these goals. The conference will also provide other learning opportunities for postgraduate scholars including workshops, discussion panel, colloquium, and poster presentation.

Sub- Themes

The conference invites scholars, researchers and academicians from across the globe to present their research work under the themes of;

  • Gender disparity in education
  • Curriculum for sustainable development
  • Pedagogy for sustainable development
  • Assessment for sustainable development
  • Teacher training for ESD
  • Leadership in the context of ESD 
  • Access to Education
  • Access to quality Education in Early years
  • Inclusive education
  • Affordable technical and vocational education
  • Employability skills and decent jobs
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Increasing literacy and numeracy through education
  • Peace and tolerance through education
  • Development and implementation of safe schools
  • Funding for education for sustainable development
  • Digital divide and social inclusion


The conference will put its best efforts to provide diverse learning opportunities to participants valuing their time, effort, and money. A number of workshops will be carried out before and after the conference by national and international scholars. The proposed workshops are as follows:

Pre-conference workshops

  1. Mix method research design
  2. Data analysis techniques through Smart PLS
  3. Research proposal development
  4. Designing digital learning environment

Post conference workshops

  1. Instructional design for effective teaching
  2. Art and science of formative Assessment
  3. Artificial intelligence for Adaptive learning

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